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Elbow connectors
RS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/Male-ElbowLMMA.jpg
RP parallel thread ends are typically used with a fl at gasket to seal. /Asset/Male-ElbowLMMB.jpg
Alternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/45-Male-Elbow-LMF_primary.JPG
Male Elbow: LM/ME, LM/MC
(630) connects metric tube with NPT or RT tapered threads /Asset/Male-Elbow-LM_ME_primary.JPG
Male Elbow: LM/MA
(81) connects metric with RS parallel threadsRS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/Male-ElbowLMMA.jpg

Male Elbow: LM/MB
(18) connects metric with RP parallel threadsRP parallel thread ends are typically used with a fl at gasket to seal. /Asset/Male-ElbowLMMB.jpg
45° Male Elbow: LMF
(63) connects fractional tube to female NPT threadAlternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/45-Male-Elbow-LMF_primary.JPG

45° Male Elbow, SAE, Positionable: LMFS
(45) connects fractional tube to SAE straight thread boss /Asset/45Male-ElbowSAEPositionableLMFS.jpg