CAD (0)
Straight connectors
Alternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/MaleConnectorSAECMS.jpg
Alternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/O-ringStraightConnectorCOS.jpg
RP parallel thread ends are typically used with a fl at gasket to seal. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMEB.jpg
RP parallel thread ends are typically used with a fl at gasket to seal. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMMB.jpg
RS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMEA.jpg
RS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMMA.jpg
The CMT body does not contain a sizing angle or butt seal. As a result, the thermocouple can be extended beyond the fi tting’s NPT thread end. /Asset/MaleThermocoupleConnectorCMT.JPG
RS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/MaleThermocoupleConnectorCMTMA.JPG
Male Connector: CM, CM/EC
(495) connects fractional tube to female NPT or RT threads /Asset/Male-Connector-CM_primary.JPGMale Connector: CM/ME, CM/MC
(738) connects metric tube with NPT or RT tapered threads /Asset/Male-Connector-CM_ME_primary.JPG
Bulkhead Connector, Male: BCM
(90) connects fractional tube to female NPT threads /Asset/BulkheadConnectorMaleBCM.jpg
Bulkhead Connector, Male: BCM/ME
(144) connects metric tube to female NPT threads /Asset/BulkheadConnectorMaleBCMME.jpg
Male Connector, SAE: CMS
(180) connects fractional tube to SAE straight thread bossAlternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/MaleConnectorSAECMS.jpg

Long Male Connector, SAE: LCMS
(45) connects fractional tube to SAE straight thread boss/Asset/LongMaleConnectorSAELCMS.jpg

O-ring Straight Connector: COS
(99) connects fractional tube to female straight threadAlternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/O-ringStraightConnectorCOS.jpg

O-ring Male Connector: COM
(189) connects fractional tube to female NPT threads /Asset/O-ringMaleConnectorCOM.jpg
Male Connector: CM/EB
(72) connects fractional tube with RP parallel threadsRP parallel thread ends are typically used with a fl at gasket to seal. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMEB.jpg

Male Connector: CM/MB
(306) connectsmetric tube with RP parallel threadsRP parallel thread ends are typically used with a fl at gasket to seal. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMMB.jpg

Male Connector: CM/EA
(153) connects fractional tube with RS parallel threadsRS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMEA.jpg

Male Connector: CM/MA
(306) connects metric tube with RS parallel threadsRS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/MaleConnectorCMMA.jpg
Male Thermocouple Connector: CMT
(152) FractionalThe CMT body does not contain a sizing angle or butt seal. As a result, the thermocouple can be extended beyond the fi tting’s NPT thread end. /Asset/MaleThermocoupleConnectorCMT.JPG
Male Thermocouple Connector: CMT/ME,MC
(54) Metric Tube with NPT or RT tapered threads /Asset/MaleThermocoupleConnectorCMTME.JPGMale Thermocouple Connector: CMT/MA
(9) Metric Tube with RS parallel threadsRS parallel thread ends are typically used with a gasket having a bonded elastomer seal. RP-type gaskets may also be used. /Asset/MaleThermocoupleConnectorCMTMA.JPG