CAD (0)
Connects Tubing to Male Thread
RG female thread ends require a gasket inserted into the flat bottom of the thread. The male end, when assembled, exerts pressure on the gasket, creating a seal. /Asset/FemaleConnectorCFEZ.jpg

Female Elbow: LF/ME, LF/MC
(450) connects metric tube to male NPT or RT tapered threads /Asset/FemaleElbowLFMC.jpg
Female Connector: CF
(270) connects fractional tube to male NPT threads /Asset/Female-ConnectorCF.jpg
Female Connector: CF/ME
(297) connects metric tube to male NPT threads /Asset/Female-ConnectorCFME.jpg
Female Connector: CF/EZ
(72) connects fractional tube with RG parallel threadsRG female thread ends require a gasket inserted into the flat bottom of the thread. The male end, when assembled, exerts pressure on the gasket, creating a seal. /Asset/FemaleConnectorCFEZ.jpg

Female Connector: CF/MZ
(135) connects metric tube with RG parallel threads /Asset/FemaleConnectorCFMZ.jpg
Female Connector: CF/EC
(99) connects fractional tube with RT tapered threads /Asset/FemaleConnectorCFEC.jpg
Female Connector: CF/MC
(297) connects metric tube with RT tapered threads /Asset/FemaleConnectorCFMC.jpg
Bulkhead Connector, Female: BCF
(90) connects fractional tube to male NPT thread /Asset/BulkheadConnectorFemaleBCF.jpg
Bulkhead Connector, Female: BCF/ME
(108) connects metric tube to male NPT threads /Asset/BulkheadConnectorFemaleBCFME.jpg
Female Branch Tee: TTF
(153) connects fractional tube to male NPT threads /Asset/FemaleBranchTeeTTF.jpg