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Electric Actuators
Typical Applications
These 115 VAC (weather-proof) and 24 VDC (weather-proof) actuators provide 180° unidirectional control of Hoke Selectomite® 3-way ball valves. Position indicator switches are standard.
Typical Applications
This reversible 115 VAC weather-proof actuator is recommended for 90° incremental positioning of Hoke Selectomite® 3-way ball valves. Position indicator switches are standard.
Typical Applications
Designed for the unidirectional 90°, 180°, or 270° positioning of Hoke Multimite® 5-way ball valves. Select fron 115 VAC (weather-proof) or 24 VDC (weather-proof) models. Position indicator switches are standard.
Typical Applications
These 115 VAC weather-proof actuators provide positioning or shut-off of Hoke 2300 series, Milli-Mite® 1300 series and Micromite® 1600 series metering valves. Models come with limit switches or feedback potentiometers.
Typical Applications

90º Unidirectional Electric Actuators
(2) Unidirectional Electrically Operated for 2- and 4-way Ball Valves 115 Volt AC & 24 Volt DCTypical Applications
- Unidirectional 90° on-off control of Hoke Flomite® and Rotoball® 2-way valves, and unidirectional 90° positioning of Multimite® 4-way valves.
- Automated instrument and process systems.
- Test areas where remote control is mandatory.
- For inaccessible areas where manual operation is not possible.
- Anywhere separate
180º Unidirectional Electric Actuators
(3) 180° Unidirectional Electrically Operated for 3-way Ball Valves 115 Volt AC & 24 Volt DCThese 115 VAC (weather-proof) and 24 VDC (weather-proof) actuators provide 180° unidirectional control of Hoke Selectomite® 3-way ball valves. Position indicator switches are standard.
Typical Applications
- Unidirectional 180° position for switching between ports of 3-way Selectomite® valves.
- Automated instrument and process systems.
- Test areas where remote control is mandatory.
- For inaccessible areas where manual operation is not possible.
- Anywhere separate low voltage power supply is required.
90° Unidirectional Reversible Electric Actuator
90° Reversible Electrically Operated for 3-Way Ball Valves 115 VACThis reversible 115 VAC weather-proof actuator is recommended for 90° incremental positioning of Hoke Selectomite® 3-way ball valves. Position indicator switches are standard.
Typical Applications
- 90° positioning of Hoke Selectomite® 71 & 76
Series 3-way ball valves. Select any port in desired sequence. - Anywhere shutoff position is required.
- Automated instrument and process systems.
- Test areas where remote control is mandatory.
- For inaccessible areas where manual operation is not possible.
4-Position Unidirectional Electric Actuators
(2) 4–Position Unidirectional Electrically Operated for 5-Way Ball Valves 15 VAC and 24 VDCDesigned for the unidirectional 90°, 180°, or 270° positioning of Hoke Multimite® 5-way ball valves. Select fron 115 VAC (weather-proof) or 24 VDC (weather-proof) models. Position indicator switches are standard.
Typical Applications
- Unidirectional 90°, 180°, 270° positioning of the Hoke 5-way Multimite® 79 Series ball valves. Select any position in desired sequence.
- Automated instrument and process systems.
- Test areas where remote control is mandatory.
- For inaccessible areas where manual operation is not possible.
- Anywhere separate low voltage power supply is required.
Metering Valve Actuators
(9) Metering Valve Actuators - Electrically OperatedThese 115 VAC weather-proof actuators provide positioning or shut-off of Hoke 2300 series, Milli-Mite® 1300 series and Micromite® 1600 series metering valves. Models come with limit switches or feedback potentiometers.
Typical Applications
- Positioning and shut-off for Hoke metering valves.
Automated instrument and process systems. - For inaccessible areas where manual operation is not practical or remote control is mandatory.
- Programmed sampling and process control.