CAD (0)
connects fractional port to female RT tapered threads /Asset/MaleAdapterAMEC.JPG
Alternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/ORingMaleAdapterAOM.JPG
Alternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/ORingMaleAdapterAOMME.jpg
RG female thread ends require a gasket inserted into the bottom of the port. The male end, when assembled, exerts pressure on the gasket, creating a seal. /Asset/FemaleAdapterAFMZ.JPG
Male Adapter: AM/EC
(54) Fractionalconnects fractional port to female RT tapered threads /Asset/MaleAdapterAMEC.JPG
Male Adapter: AM/EA
(36) connects fractional port to female RS parallel threads /Asset/MaleAdapterAMEA.JPGMale Adapter: AM/MB
(18) connects metric port to female ISO straight thread /Asset/MaleAdapterAMMB.JPGO-ring Male Adapter: AOM
(90) connects fractional port to female NPT threadsAlternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/ORingMaleAdapterAOM.JPG

O-ring Male Adapter: AOM/ME
(54) connects metric port to female NPT threadsAlternative O-ring materials are available, including silicone, and Buna-N. /Asset/ORingMaleAdapterAOMME.jpg
O-ring Straight Adapter: AOS
(54) connects fractional port to female O-ring straight thread /Asset/ORingStraightAdapterAOS.JPGMale SAE Adapter: AMS
(3) connects fractional port to female O-ring straight thread /Asset/MaleSAEAdapterAMS.JPGFemale Adapter: AF/EZ
(36) connects fractional port to male RG parallel threads (gauge) /Asset/FemaleAdapterAFEZ.JPGFemale Adapter: AF/MZ
(117) connects metric port to male RG parallel threads (gauge)RG female thread ends require a gasket inserted into the bottom of the port. The male end, when assembled, exerts pressure on the gasket, creating a seal. /Asset/FemaleAdapterAFMZ.JPG